If you are planning a home birth with a midwife, it is a good idea to purchase a Birth Kit around 35 weeks pregnant. Your birth kit contains the bare essentials for your midwifery team and includes things like sterile gloves and umbilical cord clamps.
Over the years I have seen some additional items be useful at a home birth, but please don't think you need absolutely everything on this list. Some are more modern items, while some are more natural alternatives. Please choose the ones that fit your lifestyle. If you purchase a birth kit that caters to your midwife and her practice style, that is the most important item in my opinion.
This Amazon list includes items to help prepare for having a home birth, such as supplements, childbirth education, comfort items, postpartum recovery and breastfeeding essentials.
HAVE THESE ITEMS ON HAND A lot of these items can probably be found in your home already. I have found it useful if clients gather these items together (minus food and drink) and place them in a large plastic storage bin. LINENS 2 sets of sheets. - One set to labor on that will get stained, and a clean set for recovery. One unused tarp, painter’s drop cloth, vinyl tablecloth, or shower curtain. 6 Towels 4 Wash cloths MEDICINAL I encourage you to think, "What would I like to help me heal after I have my baby?" Package of Depends
Package of Chux Pads
Dermaplast Spray
Tucks (if prone to hemorrhoids)
Ibuprofen [preferred] or Tylenol
Alternative: Homeopathic Arnica 200c & After Ease Tincture by Wishgarden Chamomile Tea Pads: Make a few cups of strong chamomile tea, pour over a dozen panty liners (backing intact) and freeze on a cookie sheet, store in a freezer bag in the freezer. Sitz Bath Mix and/or Epsom Salts Witch hazel liquid or pads KITCHEN Large Bowl Cookie Sheet Kitchen trash bag Extra Virgin Olive Oil -or- any fragrance free oil that can be used for massage and lubrication FOOD & DRINKS Electrolyte Drinks Bendy Straws Bag of ice Juice[low acid, like mango/apple/white grape is best] Easy to prepare protein – peanut butter, cheese, or eggs Light snacks – fruits, vegetables, nuts, sandwich fixings, bagels, yogurt, etc. Frozen, easy to prepare meals for the family FOR MOTHER Comfortable clothes to labor in, or nothing at all is also fine ;-) Bathing suit tops are great if planning a water birth Pajama gown for after Large Waterbottle or Heating Pad FOR BABY 2 onesies 2 newborn hats 4 Receiving blankets Diapers & Wipes COMFORT ITEMS Visit the Amazon List mentioned above for suggestions. You can find more information about comfort items on the Comfort Strategies page. Essential Oils & Diffuser Large Exercise Ball Sound machine or music player Eye Mask Candles Heating pad
Portable TENS unit
Birth Tub (find some great options here: https://www.inhishands.com/water-birth-kit-mix-n-match-package/) Disposable Tub Liner
Birth Pool Air Pump
Long Drinking Hose (has to be drinking hose to avoid chemicals)
Birth Pool Drain Pump or Submersible Utility Pump (This is 1000% worth it, otherwise you are bailing water with a bucket after you have a baby.)